Wednesday, August 18, 2010

note to GOD

If I wrote a note to God
I would speak whats in my soul
I'd ask for all the hate to be swept away,
For love to overflow
If I wrote a note to God
I'd pour my heart out on each page
I'd ask for war to end
For peace to mend this world
I'd say, I'd say, I'd say

Give us the strength to make it through
Help us find love cause love is over due
And it looks like we haven't got a clue
Need some help from you
Grant us the faith to carry on
Give us hope when it seems all hope is gone
Cause it seems like so much is goin wrong
On this road we're on

If I wrote a note to God
I would say what on my mind
I'd ask for wisdom to let compassion rule this world
Until these times
If I wrote a note to God
I'd say please help us find our way
End all the bitterness, put some tenderness in our hearts
And I'd say, I'd say, I'd say

Give us the strength to make it through
Help us find love cause love is over due
And it looks like we haven't got a clue
Need some help from you
Grant us the faith to carry on
Give us hope when it seems all hope is gone
Cause it seems like so much is goin wrong
On this road we're on

No, no no no
We can't do this on our own

Give us the strength to make it through
Help us find love cause love is over due
And it looks like we haven't got a clue
Need some help from you
Grant us the faith to carry on
Give us hope when it seems all hope is gone
Cause it seems like so much is goin wrong
On this road we're on

If I wrote a note to God

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


im back... with a new hope, new life n i wish my wish came true... nk taw aper wish ak??? hahahah... thanks 2 god... yg sorg nie plk, jgn pkir ak xtaw... hahahahah... jgn jd hipokrit durh.... mkn ko mmwatkan watak ko dpn mmbr2 ko, mkn la ak nmpk kebodohan n kebangangan ko 2... dan ternyata masih terserlah kebodohan ko... hahahahah... BODOH!!!! insan yg xtaw nothing... dlu ak suck, now ak len, ko bley gnekan ak, n ak gne kan ko blk.... hahahahaha.... jgn pkir xder org yg ley jatuhkan ko.... ader n ak la org die... ko xknl ak.... ko jgn nk wat2 pandai mcm ko knl ak 100%... slh slh n slh... ak ader s2 sifat dendam.... 2 ak, once ko da wat ak, then ko akn kner... ko cme tunggu jer la... ak nk tgk ko brani xckp ngan ak.... hahahahaha... klu stakat dpn mmbr ko nk up dri boley la..... bye...

Monday, June 28, 2010

happy birthday...

On your birthday I wish you much pleasure and joy,
I hope all of your wishes come true.
May each hour and minute be filled with delight,
And your birthday be perfect for you!

Each year your birthday reminds me
That I really want to say
I’m very glad I know you;
I think of you each day.

I hope you enjoy your birthday,
All the pleasures it has in store,
And because I appreciate you,
I hope you have many more!

Once a year I get the chance
To wish you birthday cheer.
It pleases me no end to say,
I wish you another great year.

So happy birthday to you (name),
From the bottom of my heart.
And may your good times multiply,
Till they’re flying off the chart!

Sunday, June 27, 2010


ari nie, ak gembire plus ngan jeluz...
gembire sbb ak dpt tmn orang yg ak ske n syg dari pagi smpi ke mlm...
yg plg penting is tmn dier...
ak nk rapat ngan die n ak nk die tau yang ak akn tunggu die....
hanye die sorang jer...
jeluz sbb, erm, act ak jeluz gak r...
klaka la plk...
tp gentle cter wa jeluz der...
huhuhuhuhu adoyai....
skt kaki...
(out of topic)...
klu u all nk taw la td....
wa mmg wat mker der...
mker yang wa rase kucing nk cakar jer....
bapak masam gler mker ak....
tp ak thn jer...
padahal dlm hati, perghhhh, haish....
huuuuu, ak rase nie plg jeluz der...
adoi, xphm ak...

Friday, June 25, 2010

new hope...

maybe ak akn kumpul duit utk beli moto... sbb ak pikir, mungkin ak bley ag rapat ngan ko.... heheheheh... hmmm, dgr ko nk jln2 nek moto, igt ak kesah ker??? erm, act ak kesah, sgt la kesah... tp pikir blk, perlu ke kesah??? ko pun bkn kesah pun ngan ak kan???? ak nk wat smuer bnder yang ko sker... tp klu ader bnder yg ak xske tp ko sker mmg ak xwat la (hahahahah)... ak nk tarik perhatian ko... ak nk trk perhatian ko spye ko sker ak.... ak nk protect ko... hmmm... ak try...

lonely day

Such a lonely day
And it's mine
The most loneliest day of my life

Such a lonely day
Should be banned
It's a day that I can't stand

The most loneliest day of my life
The most loneliest day of my life

Such a lonely day
Shouldn't exist
It's a day that I'll never miss
Such a lonely day
And it's mine
The most loneliest day of my life

And if you go, I wanna go with you
And if you die, I wanna die with you

Take your hand and walk away

The most loneliest day of my life
The most loneliest day of my life
The most loneliest day of my life

Such a lonely day
And it's mine
It's a day that I'm glad I survived

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

jangan bilang tidak.......

Lagu : Raffi Ahmad & Ayushita
Tajuk : Jangan Bilang Tidak

ku pernah punya cinta namun kini ku sedang suka kamu
cintaku dulu tlah kubuang jauh kini ku ingin kamu
ku pernah menyendiri di sini ku akan terasa sepi
walaupun bibir penuh gelak tawa namun hatiku sepi

jangan bilang tidak bila kita belum mencoba
siapa yang tahu akan sama hatimu dan juga hatiku
banyak yang bercinta bertahun-tahun putus juga
kuharapkan dengan dirimu walaupun singkat pendekatan
cinta kita kan abadi

ku pernah punya cinta namun kini ku sedang suka kamu
cintaku dulu tlah kubuang jauh kini ku ingin kamu

jangan bilang tidak bila kita belum mencoba
siapa yang tahu akan sama hatimu dan juga hatiku
banyak yang bercinta bertahun-tahun putus juga
kuharapkan dengan dirimu walaupun singkat pendekatan

jangan bilang tidak waktu dicium aku bingung
namun dada ini bergetar
makanya sungguh aku mohon
jangan bilang tidak

Monday, June 7, 2010


u ckp ngan i yang i xjujur??? i nk bukti... i jujur ngan u... seriuzly... bler u tanyer psl 2, i juz agak nper u pkir psl nie... i xknl dat gurl... seriuzly i xder mmber nmer 2... yg ag sorang 2 i da explain da kt u... its up 2 u nk percayer or x... u bley tnyer tuan punyer bdn ag... u nk tanyer aper u tanyer la, i taw i akn jwb.. klu i xtaw cmner la i nk jwb... yg i taw skang, i nk jujur ngan u anything, i xnk tpu u... i xdpt aper pun klu i tpu u... hmmm... i akn tunggu u no matter wat...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

where are u now....

Where are you now
When I need you the most
Why don't you take my hand
I want to be close

Help me when I am down
Lift me up off the ground
Teach me right from wrong
Help me to stay strong

So,take my hand and walk with me,
Show me what to be
I need you to set me free

Where are you now...

Where are you now
Now that I'm half grown
Why are we far apart
I feel all alone

Thursday, May 27, 2010

smlm dan arini.....

smlm :
- ak xigt kul bper tp 1 gurl tlh berkata kepada ak... hahahahah... ayat cm sial... diz gurl nie ckp kt ak yang die ske kt ak... ak terkedu... hahahahah... ak juz ckp, i do like u but im not in love with u... klu ckp psl love, cmer ader sorang jer... hehhehehe... (ko taw la sper kan)... ak tolak slow2... im sowi beb... ak xsesuai ngan ko... since ko nk knl ak ag dalam kan so smlm ko da knl ak... ak cter everything psl ak... so skang its up 2 u nk believe ker xnk...

arini :
- pagi2 da ngamuk n ak kner sound... haish!!! dsbbkan korang ak kner sound ngan bos ak... disebabkan korang anta lewat design n graphic 2 kt ak so ak xley nk check n nk bg kt bos.... bos call ak trus sound ak... n ak blk ak sound korang... ak pedulik aper korang da kijer lmer ker, aper ker, tp bler orang sound ak tp bkn kesalahan ak yg buat, ak akn sound sper yang wat 2... damn it la... asl la korang ssh nk dgr ckp ak haa??? ak mnta tlg kot... bkknyer ssh wat kijer nie... ko da siap ko anta kt ak... da la ko bg ak soft copy... klu bg ak da siap print xper gak... hadoy...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


ader satu persoalan, soalan nie mmg sgt ssh sbb 2 xkuar kt paper spm or stpm... ko bley ker jmper ak stiap ari??? heheheheh... 2 la soalan dier... jwpn ak mudah jer, ak mmg nk jmper ko stiap ari... n klu bley ak nk ckp IMY ngan ko everyday.. tp ak taw ko xsker ayat 2 so ak diam jer... da 2 ari ak kua ngan ko... ak sgt eppy... bwk ko g mkn... ak xksh... seriuzly.... ak ag sker klu kter mkn rapat... so kter ley knl ag... hmmmm.. seriuzly, ak syg ko... ak nk jge ko...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

pening.... keliru.... bengkek...

pening :
- skang ak da pening ngan cmner ak nk g kijer or lepak ngan mmbr2... sbb, kete ak accdnt, adurh.... 3 minggu kt workshop... patah la kaki ak... ak nk g jmper client cmner daaa... haiyork....da la ader 3 client yang nk wat 3d ngan ak nk jmper... klu dekat2 xper gak, nie xnk jauh la plk... hadoy... cptla sttle ak punyer kete....

keliru :
- erm, cmner nk bilang yaa... erm, ko taw kan ak tunggu kau dari dlu ag??? xtaw la klu ko taw ker x kan... tp ak mmg 2ggu ko dari dlu ag... ntah la... klu ak xdpt ko mmg ak sgt menyesal n bodo tp bler pkir blk, ko ader ker pikir psl ak???? hahahahaha... cm tepuk kaki tp xbunyik jer... wakkakakka....

bengkek :
- ak bengkek or mara bila ak da bgtaw ko yang ak xnk tp ko duk terhegeh2 kt ak ag... ko sdr x ko sper??? ko 2 hot wei, ak bese jer... rmi orang yang nk ko wei... ko 2 ank tan sri taw... so ko ley dpt super duper much better dari ak... so please la ok... jgn la terhegeh2 kt ak... kiter xsmer... ko kaye... ak xnafikan wei... ko baek.. tp ak jht dowh... ak taw ko nk ubah ak kan.. tp ak bgtaw ko awl2 la, ko xkan dpt ubah ak.. nie lah ak... ak banyak wat slh n ak xseperfect aper yang ko pikirkan.... bye2...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

it juz me

im just me and thats all I can be.. no more, no less, no 2nd guess... i laugh, i love, i live, i cry... and some times i wish i would die... some day im funny, others im not, some times im in overdrive and i cant stop... you may not like me, but thats ok, this is me and this is how ill stay...

"Eleven Hints for Life"

1. It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return.
But what is more painful is to love someone and never
find the courage to let that person know how you feel.

2. A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who
means a lot to you, only to find out in the end that it was
never meant to be and you just have to let go.

3. The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a
porch swing with, never say a word, and then walk away
feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.

4. It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose
it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been
missing until it arrives.

5. It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an
hour to like someone, and a day to love someone-but it
takes a lifetime to forget someone.

6. Don't go for looks, they can deceive. Don't go for wealth,
even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you
smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day
seem bright.

7. Dream what you want to dream, go where you want to go,
be what you want to be. Because you have only one life and
one chance to do all the things you want to do.

8. Always put yourself in the other's shoes. If you feel that it
hurts you, it probably hurts the person too.

9. A careless word may kindle strife. A cruel word may wreck
a life. A timely word may level stress. But a loving word may
heal and bless.

10. The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best
of everything they just make the most of everything that comes
along their way.

11. Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, ends with
a tear. When you were born, you were crying and everyone
around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die,
you're the one smiling and everyone around you is crying.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


weiiii!!!! wut appen durh??? aper ak da buat??? omg.... adoyai... pening pale otak ak nie.... wakakakaka... smlm xley tdo... pehal x, nk tdo, tp xley... damn!!!! maybe its time 2, bla bla bla.... xnk ckp... mls... nk g jamming... nk melalak lagu never say never, heartless khatimah cinta, and noktah cinta... ak nk nyanyi sampai ilang suare ak.... hahahahaha... DAMN!!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

heartbroke plus heartless jd nyer??? ak pun xtaw... hahahaha

juz for da record, u still mean everything 2 me.....
if u dun love me at my worst, then u dont deserve me at my best...
i wonder how many times we'll have 2 say gudbye be4 we finally let go...
u'r da one who broke my heart, u'r da reason my world fell apart, u'r da one that made me cry, and yet, im still in love with u, and i dont know y...

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

i love you

You changed my world with a blink of an eye
That is something that I can not deny
You put my soul from worst to best
That is why I treasure you my dearest Marites

You just don't know what you have done for me
You even pushed me to the best that I can be
You really are an angel sent from above
To take care of me and shower with love

Now I have found what I am looking for
It's you and your love and nothing more
Co'z you have given me this feeling of contentment
In my life something I've never felt

I wish I could talk 'til the end of day
But now I'm running out of things to say
So I'll end by the line you already know
"I LOVE YOU" more than what I could show

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

new hairstyle

satu perubahan yang agak drastik da berlaku kt diri ak... hahahahaha.... nie gntle klaka... pada hari sabtu bersamaan dgn 20 aribln 3 thun 2010, hehehehe... rambut ak tlah berubah.... wakakakaka.... cter nyer cmnie.... ak plan mmg lamer da nk potong rambut nie, tp sbb mls so hold jer la... ader la watak yang paling penting dlm hidup ak nie digelar makcik (bkn nama sbnr) suh ak gunting rmbut spike sbb dier sker guy yang smart... ok then... ari sabtu 2 pun ak g amik dier kt kolej.... at 1st, ktorang g mines dlu... crk punyer crk pusing punyer pusing jmper la saloon aper tah nmer dier, rm34 hinggit... haaaa, bantai... tapi dier potong gentle xsmart... ckit jer potong rambut ak... adoyyyy xphm ak... c makcik nie bleh plk gelakkan ak... eyh baran ak... hahahahaha... then dier suh g mamak, ak kater ak xkan potong kt mamak... tpi dier nk gak... adurh... bantai jer la... ak msk mamak 2 potong rambut ak cm potong sayur da... tkt ak klu slek ker aper ker.... da setle... ak tgk kt cermin, perghhh, da mcm gangster crow zero la plk... adurhh, tpi dier sker... xper la... msk kete ak tucup rmbt ak... mmg style... 2 bley dikatekan kenangan manis la ak ngan c makcik 2.... hahahaha

Monday, March 22, 2010


smlm ak sedih, sbb xdpt tmn dier g dinner... she text me act but i was in sleep mode, hahahaha... hmmmm, sdr2 da kul 7.30... cian sgt kt dier bler ak call td dier kater dier g nek moto n basah kuyup... bersalah nyer pakcik... makcik, maafkan pakcik yer... kikikiki

Thursday, March 18, 2010

in your eyes

love, i get so lost, sometimes....
days pass and this emptiness fills my heart...
when i want to run away...
i drive off in my skylinecil car....
but whichever way i go...
i come back to the place you are...
all my instincts, they return...
and the grand facade, so soon will burn...
without a noise, without my pride...
i reach out from the inside...
in your eyes....
the light, the heat...
i am complete...
Oh, i really want to be that complete....
i want to touch the light.....
the heat i see in your eyes.....
love, i don't like to see so much pain....
so much wasted and this moment keeps slipping away....
i look to the time with you to keep me awake and alive....

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


i want u realize what u got to learn and make sure dat dont do da same mistake over and over again or i'll kill u, seriuzly i can make it... bongok!!!

tomorrow never comes

You wake up with the radio on
and I've got you babe is the same old song
so you walk outside to greet the world
but it all goes up flames
and then you try to break the girl
it's the same mistake over and over again

Say goodbye to one more day
and another chance for you to change
spinnin' circles 'round the sun
But tomorrow never comes

Back in the same day once again
No consequences in a life without an end
so you take the money and watch it burn
as it all goes up in flames
Until you realize what you got to learn
you'll make the same mistake over and over again

Say goodbye to one more day
and another chance for you to change
until you see what you become
keep spinnin' circles 'round the sun
until you finally love someone
tomorrow never comes

Sunday, February 21, 2010

never say never

The Fray

Never Say Never

There’s some things we don’t talk about
Rather do without
And just hold the smile
Falling in and out of love
Ashamed and proud of
Together all the while
You can never say never
Why we don’t know when
Time and time again
Younger now than we were before
Don’t let me go
Don’t let me go
Don’t let me go
Picture you’re the queen of everything
As far as the eye can see
Under your command
I will be your guardian
When all is crumbling
Steady your hand
You can never say never
Why we don’t know when
Time, time and time again
Younger now then we were before
Don’t let me go
Don’t let me go
Don’t let me go
We’re pulling apart and coming together again and again
We’re growing apart but we pull it together, pull it together, together again
Don’t let me go
Don’t let me go
Don’t let me go

Saturday, February 20, 2010


esk ak akn bg kau bunge n hadiah... ak arap ko trimer ok... miss u...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

happy birthday isz

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


10.2 da nk dekat da... ak nk tgk dier wish ker x kt ak... tapi ak rase dier xwish... die kan SEBUK jer manjang... xder mase nk lepak konon... ceh... igt ak xtaw la... kl nie kecik jer la.. hmmm.. xphm ak...

Monday, February 8, 2010


at last, ak free lagi... dier xnk ak n ak pun maleh la nk terhegeh2 kt dier... 4 valentine's nie, ak igt nk bg red rose kt dier n coklat, tpi ak rase xpyh kot sbb dier pun xmghrp pun present dari ak... hmmm smoger ko bahagier jer la... ko jgk yang ckp gurls akn crik guys yag btul2 syg kt gurls 2 tpi ko len... xtaw r... maleh nk cter n nk pikir...